Looks good, MINUS the slip yoke transfer case. I woulda stuck a BW1356 of NP205 in there. Those slip yokes blow when you try to flex out. And what's that off to the right (on 40's+? )
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ford np208s are not slipyoke there fixed yoke and yea the truck on the right is my other project there 44s
I can garuntee you the NP208s are slip yoke rear transfer cases( trust me, I had one ). 95% of NP208s are slip yoke rear. You must have the BW1356 if it's fixed. They have the manual/electric versions in the newish (87-96) F150s/Bronco's. Yours must be the rare version.
You have any idea how long I looked for one of those for my F150? Lol I finally swapped to the BW1356M to get rid of that POS slip yoke rear shaft. lol But just for S&G (****s and giggles), sure, go snap a pic of the transfer case tag for me
I still need a transfer case, gotta get miscellaneous things done to it....etc. I'm going to rebuild the pulleys on the truck. New psp, alternator, a/c compressor, etc... The new tensioner I put on the truck really quieted it down somehow. Oh, and I'm going to delete the clutch fan and put an electric one in.
Damn, I am here to tell you, those are RARE as ****. AND I just sold my extra BW1356M today WITH driveshafts for $75 Lol
More pics in its own thread right now!!! I think this is the first SAS Ranger on this forum so whore that bad ****er out!!!
i know whats in my truck dont need to dought me lmao i have a bw 1356m slipyoke seting here to wont sell lol
Oh ****, I just figured out who that was! Bout damn time I saw your truck Mike! Hahahaha. And yeah, what Clinton said!
Bc the rear's being flexed out. And is it just me, or where the fux the track bar?!? Or is it a different color so we cant see it