Dam mike im gonna have to come check out your truck again, now that its not sitting in pieces with no gas lol
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Eh, checking the silicone on the cab lights. Seems to be sealed up nicely. Not amazing looking, but it works.
I'm not too worried. I'll probably get a bottle of touch up paint and see if it turns out decently. I'm not too worried about cosmetics because you won't be able to see it when I'm flying past you at 60.
well if you where worried about it, the best way to shave it done some it take a razer blade, glove, and lighter, put the damn glove one, heat the blade up untill shes cherry, then very slowly and lightly trim
I have a nice bead around the bottom of the lights, I honestly don't really need to trim em. I'm just thinking about putting a little touch up paint on it to make it seem a little cleaner. Know what I mean?
Thanks man. It came out kinda crappy, so on a better day I'm going to redo them. But they need LEDs in them now. Haha
that will be sweet, i really like his LEDs. i want to get some for the brake lights but i need to get newer tails before that
I'm not too worried about the tails, I don't feel like going through the trouble of having to get different relays. All of my interior lights though will be LEDs someday and probably the 3rd brake light will have LED's in it too. So yeah, that's my plan. But I need a lot of other things done first.