ok, then I expect you to be ready for work Monday in the backyard! I will let you have the weekend off, cause I'm a nice guy and all lol
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lol I think it'll take longer than that to get out there man. I have a few applications that I'm putting in for landscaping/yard care crews this weekend. But for now, I bid thee farewell as I go to take my horticulture final. Be back in an hour
remember dirt is what you find under your bed and soil is what is on the ground outside! my old horticulture teacher taught us that on the first day of class
^ sticker's supposed to be on the passenger side DJ.... they might not let you in. i got to clean up our company's '06 duramax today so they can sell it, after running APX 5-10 gallons of gas through it they don't want to chance fuel system problems down the road. i drove it out on my lunch break and WOW that's a quick truck! i'll miss that one! 'an DJ, i'm only kidding
hahaha. now you're names on it though, so i'll know which one to sleep in while you're out walking the fairgrounds, lol.
well i had a "FUN" day at work today, first it down poured all day and i have a open cab forklift i drive all day so that sucked, the battery in the forklift **** the bed today so the mechanic tried to jump start it once and caught the jumper cables on fire and so did the battery, and the trans on it ended up jamming into 1st so the hole day i was stuck going slow as hell and having to clutch roll back every time i needed to turn around, and since the battery was ****ed it kept stalling and kept needing to be jump started. and i got the damn thing stuck bad
oh i was in any hurry to put it out, since the fork lift i have doesnt have an fire extinguisher i just sat there on it waiting
as long as i'm there i'll find the Tbird row and poke around a bit. shoulda accedentally spilled some gas on there. or like i say, don't do something, just sit there!
What'd ya find? And on a totally different note, I found out that my truck is getting an entirely new steering column... Everything is stretched out and worn out so it's better to replace it from what the mechanic told me.