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I mean, yeah. School's important no doubt. But I hate being there, and do poorly in classes. I need to be hands on with school, and have a lot of extra help. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I will never claim to be. I do have a high IQ of like 140something. But I have to use it through expression, not through writing out math problems and having them graded by someone else.
hahahaha lmfaooooo but ya gotta do the landscaping in the backyard first hahaha and Dont let clinton beat you over here
You know what man, if I ever get the urge to come out west (which may happen) I'll call you up. $8 an hour's more than nothing, and it's doing something I love. Although, I'm used to non-desert plants
Anyone ever listen to Lewis Black, if so, I want a personal ball washer ever hear that one [ame][/ame]
You will have to start your studies on desert plants! always some sort of schooling or learning in life, and it will happen till we die hahaha
really? damn lol. i found one on ebay for about $15 total after shipping, idk if it was worth that or going to the dealer.
If it's the same product, who cares? lol You can check in at the dealer and see, then weigh your options about it
well yea its gonna be the same thing lol im just thinking price. i havent checked the dealer and thought id just order it tonight if it was a good deal