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I've been to that point as well. Do whatever it is that relieves your stress, whether it be taking a walk, hot shower, or driving somewhere, go do it and see if it helps at all. That's what I do.
He never really talks to me about stuff like this. I'd go for a drive if it wasn't so damn foggy outside.
Looks like it's gonna be a long night of no sleep for me. And a wonderful day of working 8am-4pm. Blah.
So I was right to be nervous about the date last night. She turned out to be completely without a doubt bat**** crazy. *number LOST*
She was yelling at little kids to get out of her way, laughing hysterically at nothing in the movie, insisted she was right, about EVERYTHING. When we got back to my place she basically tore my house apart with all the nitpicking she did (I'd move that, paint this, get rid of this, etc.) and that's just skimming the top. Oh, and btw, this was our FIRST date.
oh my ****ing god! shes a crazy bitch! and after what happened, i wouldnt have brought her back to my house
I was hoping she would shut her mouth if I got her in bed, but....she scared the little guy into hiding. No way that was gonna happen.
I'll tell you what.... These ****ing engineers at Ford have a ton of rocks in their ****ing skulls. *******s made it so that there's a ****ing quarter inch of space in between the ****ing oil filter and the frame on one side, and the filter and the block on the other. They must have some real ****ing geniouses working for them.... Goddamn IMBECILES!
^somebodies mad! I ordered my steering extension today so hopefully not this weekend but the fallowing weekend the body lift will be on!!!!