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Does anyone else by chance see other forum members on a daily basis? It seems like every time i go somewhere anymore i either see clinton. And i know he's seen me cuz he calls me as soon as he sees the truck lol I also see todd (blackedoutfx4) everywhere i go like wtf guys are yall stalking me....if i start seeing pete and brad everyday im moving to alaska lol J/K So anyway who else see's other forum members on a daily basis aside from looking in the mirror?
holy mothing ****ing **** people need to learn how to give better directions... i was on a wild goose chance trying to find these places at work
i work at a saw mill and today instead of driving the old forklift the decided to throw me on the mack truck and deliver stuff
Carrying this on still? Your the damn dumb one bro. "one talking about purposely losing control" are you a god dam ignorant bastard? Yes let's not go in the snow and play and try to gain back control that way if something were to happen on the road you would know what to do instead of being like on **** I just wrecked my vehicle and didn't do a damn thig to try and stop. Don't carry this on in a open chat take responsibility for your own childish ignorance. I'm so dumb **** this don't try and piss me off. You want to argue message me and I'll point out how much of a worth less **** you are. If someone else has a problem with what I'm saying then get the hell over it.