not all folks are college bound, has to be a mix of all types of workers So do what you think you could do for the next 30 years
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JP, it ain't a couple grand..... More like 30 grand. It's stupid to be honest. It's too expensive and the damn books aren't even included for that price.
Someone stole the antenna off my truck sometime last night, while my truck was parked OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE. wtf.
Fuc k college. In this economy, it's absolutely pointless to spend 30-80K for tuition not to mention the interest rate they tack on top of that to land a job thats making 25-30K a year. Add that to starting a family with kids, a house payment, 2 car payments, food, credit card bills, etc, and you'll NEVER get out from under your debt.
oh , I thought it was the physical labor, but then when I was your age we did things by hand, ran saw mill off tractor pto even. Times changed lol at least you guys have power steering and brakes now on most of that equipment I would think by now they have cnc machines running the mills too
uhhh half the **** here is from your times, forklifts make of tractors, breaks barely work on then and steering sucks, this mill isnt up to date
i'm sick and can't breathe. apparently i'm having nasty smelling farts today, i can't smell them though
Dude, I cant get ahold of anyone til Monday. Either way, she has New York tags...that's a long ****ing way.