I had to lower my spare tire today to get access to my lic. plate nuts. and the wheel is not the same as what is on the truck, this spare is a real nice looking aluminum wheel whith round holes that are black and the outer edge of the rim looks like bead locks, can anyone post a picture of what I am talking about as I already cranked the spare back up in it little hiding spot. I would like to pick up 3 more of those rims
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Could be, I guess I will have to drop it down again and take a picture cause I thought it was a good lookin rim
[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEjN-NwNNRA&feature=related[/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXk4P12p1tU&feature=related[/ame]
Yeah, well living up at school drives me into these depressive states and I don't have a chance to make any money because my schedule is so erradic. I finish in two weeks, last week of classes is next. I'm ****ed come finals, and I really hate having to break the news to my parents that I wasn't doing good at all.... I only stopped going to classes because I was doing so poorly that it was a worthless effort to even go.
yea that would really suck dude. did you talk to your teachers or someone in your class to help get close to caught up?
No, because I wasn't behind. I was even with the curriculum, just not doing well... I'm hoping that once school's out and I'm home that I'll just be able to go get a full time job somewhere and make some money and build up the truck and be happy with it for once instead of driving it around with three different things wrong on it.
oh i see, i assumed since you said you stopped going to classes. no school ever then? it would be nice to get something full time, just not alot around here atleast without some school
I am behind now because I haven't gone to my classes in 3-6 weeks, varying by how much I liked the class. And I only plan on going next week so I know what's on the finals, taking my finals, and saying **** it to school and never looking back. I'm just sick of these slumps that I get in because everyone around me expects me to be perfect and I can't pull it of....
oh i gotcha. well ya gotta do what you have to do, and do it for yourself and nobody else. hope the best for ya man, im out for the night
same thing happened to me in high school lol. I was in advanced algebra somehow and with about a month of class left, i just gave up lol. I still came but I didnt do anything except sit in class lol. Somehow I failed it... It was inevitable anyways. The way I see college? Its pointless. Unless you know someone that is gonna hire you after some schooling, you dont need college. Youll spend a couple grand on 2 years of school and have nothing to show for it. I stand by that