Open chat thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    im good been repainting some of the interior pieces again.... lol
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  3. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

  4. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    not its not cuz i had to its cuz i got bored with the color that was on them.... lol
  5. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean! so looking forward to tomorrow
  6. Someone ****ing hit my truck today.....
  7. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    hit as in with their car/truck or with their fist?
  8. or hit as in picking up a chic " hit on "
  9. RoadRanger

    RoadRanger -Skylark65-

    i washed an '07 ranger at work today, 2.3 DOHC / auto reg cab XL, holy hell i love it! snotty as hell, feels way more alive than my 3.0 for sure, almost like an OHV 4.0! if it dosin't get beat to hell during it's time there, i would consider buying it in a couple of years to commute with :)
  10. I was parked at the freshman lot at school so I don't know who, but someone hit it with a car. Cracked the valence on my truck in a couple spots and took the paint off. Bent my license plate on my grilleguard. But they didn't get away without some kind of damage, I know it. You don't have a 1/4" steel plate on the front hit you and not have any damage. Hahahahahaha
  11. RoadRanger

    RoadRanger -Skylark65-

    that sucks pete. i rember back in high school some dumbass came flying through the spaces in the lot, came close to hitting my car, but instead Tboned my buddie's VW.

    just keep your eyes open for a seriously messed up car. probibly smashed the top of the hood, lol.
  12. that does suck. any security cameras on campus?
  13. Yeah, there's one literally right in front of my truck. I'm gonna check in on it on Monday.
  14. It ain't a ton of damage, but it's $120 that I don't have for a new valence....



  15. buggman

    buggman Do not touch the trim!

    lol@klinger... you change your interior more often than I change my led's :D
  16. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    yeah i do.... hey wait its your leds that keep makin me want to change it... lol hahahahaha cant wait to get some more from you....
  17. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    Im sure the other guy came out on bottom on that deal lol. Looks like he had to hit your guard lol
  18. Yeah. And now I refuse to drive on Friday the 13thanymore. As I was coming home, a rock flew off a dump truck and hit my truck somewhere. I didn't notice any damage so I kept on driving. This morning I noticed that the rock had cracked my windshield. I finally noticed that after I hit a pot hole and the crack spread...
  19. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    This is what insurance is for (full coverage) :thumbup:
  20. RoadRanger

    RoadRanger -Skylark65-

    pete, if you need to i know a place where you can get a new windshild installed for about $100, only problem is it's over in jersey, quite a ride for you.
  21. Yeah man, let me know. Brad, not going through the insurance because the rate would skyrocket.

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