Custom Vinyl Decals

Discussion in 'Ranger Forum Classifieds' started by gcextreme, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    is there a 4.0 dohc? didnt think there was. there is a 4.0 OHV
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  3. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

    I don't have a clue dude, I was just throwing up examples, lol.
    I know there's the 3.0 Vulcan, and I think a 3.0 dohc?? And of course the 4.0 sohc, lol I was just throwing out example ideas, may have gotten the acronyms and names mixed up.
  4. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    lol its all good i just wanted to make sure u didnt already make those cuz there isnt a 4.0 dohc and that would have been wasting moneys
  5. buggman

    buggman Do not touch the trim!

    Finally got my decal installed today...

  6. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

    Looks good Buggman!!
    Remember, in the winter, use your ice scraper and go around it, dont scrape over it, lol
  7. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor


    I have a few request for some Fx2 and Fx4 Decals, still working on those, hope i don't run into any copyright issues like i did with the CAMO ones.

    Do we have any patriotic, or vets or anyone interested in some POW - MIA graphics? or KIA-WIA
    (POW Prisoner of War, MIA Missing in Action) (KIA Killed in Action, WIA Wounded in Action)
    I shouldn't have any copyright issue with these.

    I am also working on a SUPERCHIPS FLASHPAQ vinyl logo for those who have the Superchips Flashpaq programmer. See attached image, it is just an example. I added the "Performance Tuned" If you want it to say "Gas Saver Tuned" or "Tow Tuned" or whatever, or no text, let me know.


    I am going to only do a few orders a month (the 4.0L SOHC, FORD, RANGER decals i have no problem getting done) but any other custom ones, it's going to take more time.
    My time right now is very cramped.. working 60 hours a week, and my weekends are starting to get busy with wedding stuff.. plus i have my 98 ranger and my yamaha raptor that i am trying to work on.
  8. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    Hey, are you still doin decals?
  9. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

    Kind of... i am really busy at the moment, tearing apart and fixing my motorcycle, trying to get my other 3.0L engine ready to go into my other ranger, but still gotta pull the bad 3.0 out of it.... and busy with wedding stuff..

    Let me know what u need.... and i will see if i can squeeze it in... but don't expect it asap..
    wait time is about 2-3 weeks... i send the orders off to my buds shop, he cuts them in his spare time and then i go to his shop every 2-3 weeks to pick stuff up.
  10. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    That sounds fine. Im just needing a quote right now. What Im wanting is a sticker that looks like this:


    But instead it say 7.5L Gasaholic. And maybe even where its got writing underneath it, it could say Suckin Gas, Haulin Ass
  11. mcdonald58

    mcdonald58 New Member

    haha thats a great sticker.
  12. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    Its like a middle finger to the diesel world lol
  13. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

    I will need to know the font styles, looks like 2 or 3 different styles, that's if you want it exactly like that.
    And that's probably going to have to be a printed decal, so it would be about $10 -12 each at 8" long.
  14. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    Wow lol. Nvm lol
  15. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

    Go to wal-mart and in the auto section you will find plain white decals for $5 each. And colored ones for about $8.

    Those are premade ones, you are asking for a customize one with many colors and several font styles.
  16. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    I had one custom made that was about a 12x12 that had a Ford logo with devils horns, a tail and a devils pitchfork that read "If im goin to Hell, Im goin in a Ford!" for $15
  17. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

    Well then if someone drew that up and made and printed it out for your for only $15 that was a great deal. Because the art work and time put into stuff is worth alot.
    If I am going to sit in front of my computer for two hours making something, then the cost of materials and ink, no way I could do it for lower than $10 each. Especially for the first set. Once its designed, thats another story.
    If I had more people interested, the price would be lower, but its custom for you.
    So you would be the only at the time wanting it, and the chances of me selling more to others would be slim.
    The first person is always going to pay a little more, because of the first design.
  18. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    Ahh makes sense. So if I sent you an image of what I wanted, then itd be cheaper? Or does it require a special program and such?
  19. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

    You would need it to be in Adobe Illustrator a .ai file... with vectoring, for the image cutting.
    Yes if it was already made and i didn't have to sit at my computer creating it/modifying it, i could and would do it for a bit cheaper, instead of $10-12 it would be maybe $5-6.

    But i went to wal-mart today, and got some Wounded Warriors decals, plain white, and they were $5 each... and they are only 6" tall and about 4" wide.
    They had an assortment of other different colored ones in different sizes too, for like $7. All those are mass produced, and you think they would be cheaper.

    I am busy tearing the motor out of my motorcycle, replacing the stator, and i am busy with wedding stuff with my fiance, plus i have lots of other projects right now... so the more time i spend creating and modifying graphics, i would expect to earn a few bucks.
    So far i have done alot of Autobot and Decepticon ovals, alot of FORD and FORD RANGER and RANGER ones, a few 4.0L SOHC ones, but now these i already have created and sale for about $8-10 depending on sizes.
    They cost me about $4-6 in material. So im not making a hell of a lot.
  20. OP

    gcextreme GCEXTREME Vendor

  21. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!


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