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You know the old saying "learn through experience" ? Well, never bite your blow up doll in the neck. She'll fart and run away...
hey brad, i think i found her hanging in a tree up the road from my buddie's house. i think she took it harder than you thought, lol. congrats!
i've really only got two buddies from highschool i still hang out with regularly, and i've known them scince before gradeschool, lol. lot of other people fell off the face of the earth untill they needed something.
Yeah me too man. I only hang out with 2 of my 3 of my friends from high school, 1 of which I didnt even graduate with.... my girlfriend says that the 4 of us remind her of King of the Hill Oh... and forgot to mention that my " Clinton Facts Thread " mysteriously got Closed over on FRF
oh dont let clinton find out...when clinton gets mad he unleashes a hellish fury that makes the hulk jealous
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I learned fast not to get close to people. I haven't had a real best friend since two years ago, and she was older than me and already in her first year of college. I'm not much of a people person, and whenever I actually did hang out with friends, they are always a few years older than me lol.