i've always liked holly carb's better... just personal preferance though. edelbrock is basically a carter AVS from what i understand.
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yea i thought about the holley route but all of them are way to large of a CFM and have dual fuel inlets...i only have one
You can't always believe hearsay, It gets blown out of proportion like a high school girl gossip story.
Sometimes there is more to it than what ONLY happened in the thread. This is a subject between myself, all the mods and the member.
How does Rob sound in person? From all the live stuff I've saw online, he doesn't have the pipes to keep up with himself. I'd still like to see him live though... I'd love to see him re-unite with the old White Zombie too.
old race truck. guy got into an accident after a race, hit a UTV going the wrong way on the still closed race course and killed one of the passengers. parted it out and junked the chassis. back in it's prime: she loved to sky wheelie it's a yota.