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Ok for those of you who knew what I was thinking about doing to the truck "selling it" well I put it up on Craigs list for 6500 and had 3 people call me and want to come look at it this weekend, but theres one thing yeah 6500 bucks sounds nice and would help, but this is my truck I built most of it. So although Id love to sell it I just cant it would be like selling my soul or something.
I haven't done much to my truck yet, and I know exactly how ya feel. I've had so many people tell me to just junk my truck. Just junk it. Them damn trucks become apart of you.
Yeah I did have one person call and say is this the person with the truck and I was like yeah and they said I just wanted to tell you that I think your truck is really ***y lol
Hopefully selling my xbox today since I dont ever play it so its either buy a brush guard or maybe a body lift idk
I wouldn't boast about U the T. Keep in mind sites are monitored by the government lol But that's great man!
Ahh got it! Dang fish are tickin me off. They "bite" and drag my bobber under, then the bobber pops back up without a worm on it...