I love the Veloster but i dont think it comes in an auto I dont want a standard for a cruising car. I think ill go with a Grey Elantra get good package and goodies for like 15k not bad Thats like a year to pay off
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Weve got a Veloster running around town, and I gotta say, theyre pretty cool lookin! Im not much for the imports lol. Im old school :thumbup1:
Anybody awake on here? I need to talk to someone til i finish my coffee lol. Then its installing turn signal badges!!!
Boo! got a job for tomorrow at least, cleaning & painting a commercial compressor. then i'm heading up to the adarondacks to help my 90 year old grandmother stack her firewood over the weekend.
is it raining out by you pete? looks like it wants to here. which sucks scince i've got a job cleaning up leaves today...
I was driving back to school. Wasn't raining at home. Started about 5 miles onto the highway. Stopped five miles later. Started, stopped. Over and over again....
Freeman, it's supposed to be nice from the last time I checked. But let me check again because it constantly changes.... And bull**** it can't get wet. I was driving my truck in the rain immediately after I did it. Lmao