So this weekend I finally got around to changing my spark plugs. This is for the 4.0 SOHC ONLY, not the OHV. Tools needed: 5/8" deep socket or spark plug socket Adjustable head rachet, and a shorter rachet for the tight spaces 3" rachet extension As mentioned in a previous thread, it is easier to take the wheels off of the front to access them. On my truck, I have the front mud rails on (a.k.a. gap gaurds), so I had to take them off to get at the plugs. I just yanked on em to get em off. Step 1: Jack up the truck and secure it with jack stands. Step 2: Pull a wire off of any plug, and then go to town taking the spark plug out. Be careful though not to break it or get anything in the cylinder while it's out. Then insert the new plug, and tighten it until it is snug. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN!!! If you were like me, and your truck has almost 141k on the original plugs, this is what it will look like. To remove the wires, you will have to undo these clips. They're a pain and were the hardest part for me to figure out. lol I stuck my knife in the side with the little notch, and just pried it apart. They may break, but I said screw it and continued. Since replacement of the plugs gets repetitive, just unscrew the three, one at a time, and replace the wires one at a time as well to avoid messing up the firing order. So just repeat the above steps and you'll be done with side one. For the driver's side, it's a bit tighter... lol It's more of a pain on this side because there is not as much room. I just stuck my hand in, and pulled on the wire until it came off. The front one will be really tight, so be prepared to get your hand a little torn up unless you have gloves. Also, this is where the adjustable headed rachet comes in handy and the extension as well. Here's the plug placement on the driver's side. The middle was the easiest to get out because it is not blocked in by the steering shaft and all those wires/brake hoses/wires. Here's the front plug on the driver's side. Told ya it was tight! It will take a bit longer to get this plug out because you can't get a full turn on the rachet. It took me around two and a half hours to finish it, and that was with a bunch of BS'ing involved too. Trial and error is most likely gonna help you with the fitment of the rachet on the plugs. Some require an extension, some don't. So you decide whether or not you need one. These are the basic steps to remove your plugs. I used Autolite Professional 8mm wires and Autolite Platinum plugs. Good luck to you!
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Good write up man!! Another thing is i found it easier to use a 2foot extension and swivel to get them out, this way you don't bust your knuckles on the heads
And I was fine with what I had going, only thing I busted my knuckles on were the wires and lines on the drivers side. And I don't believe a two foot extension would have worked in my truck, but I could be wrong...