I'm more pissed off than a rattle snake that got stepped on. Those retards couldn't make a ****ing cube fit into a square hole.
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Yeah, well your engine has no dirt on it, and the filter I put on was ****. Oil leaked from around the gasket and I was down two and a half quarts... So it was as slippery as a mother****er.
^^ Agreed. I think when I did my oil, I used a strap style to take it off. Theres not a ton of room, but theres enough to run it about 1/10th of a turn lol. Not much but its enough to loosen it up.
I have a wrench that's like a claw, the round part opens up and goes around the filter. Works great on the Dakota, just no room around mine. I should invest in a strap wrench.
this is the claw im talking about...goes on the end of a 3/8''ratchet http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_Oil-Filter-Wrench-3-Jaw-U-KD-Tools_25980551-P_N3401A_T%7CGRP2082_____
So, just got back from trail riding. Truck did really well. I was the only "truck" there. All the rest were stock-ish jeeps. Ended up having to pull them out. lol.
I'll have to get one of them. Looks pretty handy. What Craig said Nightmare? On my note... Finally picked up my transfer case from the BMIC today. Hoping to get it installed this weekend after school
Trails were very tight. Luckily I brought a chainsaw with me. The pictures dont do it justice. And Pete, you gotta come down and wheel with me man.