Well, the grille guard isn't strong enough to be pulled out by unless it's welded to the frame. It'll bend. And for how much I actually could use tow hooks, it'd be so much more worth it
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just rain...chance of rain showers with maybe a little snow mixing in overnight...ill just have to see what it looks like tomorrow
Yeah. Friday it was 73 and sunny when I went home, then came home from my gf's house and it was 36 and raining six hours later.
not if i can help it...carb'd cars dont like to sit for long periods...i started it and let it run for 10-15 mins but it needs to be driven
Yeah, my buddy's 87 Wrangler sat for about two months because he needed a slave cylinder and it was a bitch to start back up.
^ 4.2 L ftmfw! You cant kill those engines and those carbs run at ANY angle you put em at. Oh, and sry bout that b/s there Pete. lol
It's all good dude, I'm just gonna have nightmares for the next year. Hahahaha. But yeah, his Jeep went anywhere except he stalled it out on a lot of hills only because of his error. Hahahaha
Fml... None of my trucks are working properly right now... I want to just drive somewhere and get away from everything for a day, but no money=no gas, and bad ball joints=wrecked on the side of the highway eventually... I just want to take a drive and allow everything to leave me. Is it so much to ask to live for one day without being depressed about something or pissed off about another?