Roll bar: yay or nay?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Achromious, Jan 8, 2012.


Roll bar: yes/no

  1. No!

    1 vote(s)
  2. Sure!

    7 vote(s)
  1. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Well I'm gonna lift it anyway at some point and I already have larger than stock aggressive tires so I dont think it'd be too crazy
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  3. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    There ya go!
  4. OP

    Achromious New Member

    I wish he'd just text me back already...
  5. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    Well I personally like them on single cabs better but they can look good in extended cabs, check out morgans truck.. but I got a roll bar for not too much($50 but I got a lighted visor from a second gen Ranger) but the rollbar was of a dakota, so I have to remove like 3 inches from the middle and reweld a support piece over it.. gonna bed line it once its done =)
  6. OP

    Achromious New Member

    So it looks like it should fit in fine. He still hasnt told me the height but I may even be picking it up tomorrow if it'll fit. Worst case if I dont like it I'll just flip it it shouldnt be too hard
  7. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    do it up man we all wana see it
  8. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Hoping i can man I do too haha
  9. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Anyone know how to mount it differently than drilling? I saw a post with a guy who just fabbed some mounts with ubolts and a pipe which he attached to his tie downs which I'd rather do if i could manage something along those lines
  10. Gorilla glue. lol
  11. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Hey between that and gorilla tape there isn't much you can't do lol
  12. Haha. Amen!
  13. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    the step bar on my rig on the right side was taken off the bolt broke and i just used black silicone and works just fine hit a big ass tree with it over new years eve and it stayed on
  14. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Huh good to know. I'll be looking into it more before I put holes in anything so that helps thanks
  15. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    ummm let me look for the stuff i used cuz it been on there since oct like that and held damn good
  16. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Yeah that'd be great cause even if I don't use it for this is could come in handy
  17. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

  18. OP

    Achromious New Member

    And it's a solid adhesive too?
  19. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    ???? it worked for me lol
  20. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Well yeah haha. Hey Ill probably pick some up that stuff looks useful
  21. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    I used that same brand silicon gasket maker to make sure my 3rd bl(with buggmans leds!) didn't leak.. no issues with that but I can not attest for its holding strength.. I am going to bolt mine to my bed, but I also plan on adding some beefiness to it by fabbing up a a spare tire holder accross it; like the one that goes accross the gate of a bronco or a zr2 blazer that way it can still swing up out of my way.. but mine isn't like yours, on mine the back support legs go down to the wheel wells not the center of the bed..

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