this is a warning for everyone who at somepoint, break a window with a hammer. dont do it, i did today with my buddy to get into his old beater car, and well pictures are better then words so here you guys go
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Dude, I'm going to be completely honest right here.... Are you ****ing stupid? No offense, but what did you honestly think was going to happen from this....?
......And people wonder why insurance rates for kids are sky high... Dude, was it worth ripping your arm completely apart to move a ****ing car? Honestly?
looks like they skimped on the stiches , must be cutting cost, but still charging the same. next time throw a brick at it from a distance or better yet a locksmith would have been easier on you
Then take a use a screwdriver and break the lock... Because of your own stupidity with this, it cost a ton of money for the medical attention, and unneeded stress on your parents... Honestly, did you really think this would end well?
It's simple physics bro... When you use a 16 oz hammer, the momentum is going to take your hand right through it.
or go get a clothes hanger and break in that way..... or if it has the quarter windows in the rear throw the bick and break that one and use the coat hanger to unlock..... but damn
Just hope it doesn't get infected, or you'll be ****ed big time. Clean it out, NOT with peroxide, but with antibacterial soap and water. Peroxide will not only kill the dead tissue, but also the live tissue as well.
Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark. You need to invest in one of these automatic center punches to keep in your truck... It's THE universal key :yes: