i figured since its been a while since i've updated here, but i have made some changes, and there is going to be more to follow new SVT cobra wheels with the hew HID projectors rockin the stock 06 grille finally had some time last weekend to color match the surround, and put the STX back on
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that is next on the list of things to do, i would have done it this weekend, but i am going to the coast tomorrow morning for all weekend, it'll probally happen next month if i have an open weekend, one thing about oregon, when the weather starts getting better its kinda like... on your mark... get set....... GO GO GO!!!!
Lol...yeah I bet! Can you get the upper part painted and leave the lower black? I think it would blend real well
Those wheels are sweet! Like the new grille/surround too. +1 on painting the bumper/valance... maybe black?
^THIS. Like yesterday. DO IT. Get a new header panel and use the old one for a mock-up jig. Plugging in D2S into a Ranger as designed leaves maxing out the lower adjusters forward and maxing out the upper adjuster rearward in order to get correct vertical adjustment. Did Grant's...do not like results. My 3" D2S required a jig (my header panel removed from truck on a bench) and I had to locate the projo on all axis because I couldn't utilize the threaded rear. You shouldn't have that issue 'cause the 3" D2S was a experimental run for TRS, but my lamps fit PERFECT to the truck and the corner lamps and I have full adjustibility. This is something nobody seems to talk about when doing the 2.5" D2S swap on their Rangers. Found that out the hard way.