Okay... Big little problem. When coasting at about 15ish and below, I can feel a little shimmy from under the truck, and when I'm barely on the throttle I can feel it until I hit 15. Never did it before the tcase swap. I know a lot of fluid drained out of the trans when I did the swap, so could it just be that I'm low on fluid? Also, when I remounted the main shaft to the back of the case, the mounting did not fit flat against the mount on the case, and I had to force the bolts to go and push the plate down. I'm thinking that it got bent from somewhere. Came off fine....dunno what happened after. ???? Hoping that it's just because I'm low on fluid, and not in need of a new driveshaft because it was a bitch.
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Well, 4x4 works, but slings mud nowhere like it used to... The u joints are only a few months old too.
your front driveshaft may need to be rebuilt...its similar to a CV shaft...best advice i can give you is go out to your truck and double check everything
Was the t case used? And did you do the rear "joint" on the front axel? There notorious for going bad on a truck with t bar cranks & lift because of bad angle ... And don't take this the wrong way, but maybe you should try to unload that thing man :/
PB Blast em! lol. Somethins definitly outta whack but I dont think itd be somethin like the driveshaft. Youd think itd vibrate even more at higher speeds but I could be wrong. Im no expert lol
Well, the trans is running dry... Gotta add fluid desperately. Yeah, the tcase was used. Not sure how many miles were on it (Clinton, if you could chime in that'd be great)... I was driving to my girlfriend and around 60, she started to vibrate. I talked to Colin (ZRanger28) this morning and he thinks my main shaft is bent slightly.