
Discussion in '1998 - 2011 Ford Ranger' started by Art, Oct 17, 2023.

  1. Art

    Art New Member

    Today, new problem. My shifter is off mark. R is now park, R is now neutral, neutral is now D and so in, what can be the problem and possible fix?
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  3. John DeWitt

    John DeWitt New Member

    Typically this means the shifter cable has become stretched, a common issue among Ford's. Now I'm not 100% on whatever year you have, but if if there is a point for adjustment to tighten the slack it would be either around the shifter column or on the opposite end near the transmission. If there is no slack adjustment then your only option would be to replace the shifter cable.
  4. OP

    Art New Member

    Thanks for your reply

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