Open chat thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. That's because I have no life at school lol There ain't nothing to do around here, so I'm always on my xbox or here or facebook. Hahahaha
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  3. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    lol you have no life anyway pete.... lol just like me....
  4. Hahahaha. Hey, I'm fifteen miles from the nearest city, and 40 miles away from home. This is what happens when you move to a college in the middle of bum**** lol
  5. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    Well you chose such a small town/school!
  6. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    Send me a friend request on live though Pete, I haven't been on live in forever.. I had lost my power cord for my router but I finally found it the other night.. (haven't touched my xbox all week :eek: been workin my ass off..
  7. I was gonna do it eventually lol I'll get on it
  8. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    come on wake up guys.....
  9. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    Yo I am awake Marty.. just at my second job..
  10. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    lol i have to go to work tomorrow..... hopefully they got the net fixed.... or i'm gonna bitch at them....
  11. ZRanger28

    ZRanger28 Got boost?

    we ran out of alotted internet time on out verizon card so i was SOL in interwebz

    but its a new month and alot of internet time left so im all good :D
  12. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    Wait a minute. Pete's not online?!?!?!
  13. 01B3000

    01B3000 ORIGINAL Portable Seizure

    In Maryland, chilling with my pals, having a blast so far
  14. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    WTF is he sick?
  15. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    ^^he's gotta be.. only possible explanation.. lol
  16. Sorry, out at a party back in the woods lol
  17. Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    Yeah your right I probably shouldn't. Good call Been up for 20 hours not thinking straight... SMH so tired
  18. Same here man, and I gotta wake up early so I could put spark plugs in. Haha. This is gonna be fun in 2" of snow.
  19. Well, gonna attempt to get working on the truck by 7 AM. Gonna happen? Probably not... Haha. Later y'all. Have a good night
  20. ZRanger28

    ZRanger28 Got boost?

    was gonna take my ACT today...

    well guess not.

    it was closed due to weather and they decided not to tell anyone threw the call system or on the radio

    so guess who got to play in the snow with the truck :)
  21. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    How was the snow Colin? I love playin in the snow!

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