Let it go. He ain't gonna back down, rather we're all gonna get into deep **** if we don't let it go. Let him make an ass out of himself and get banned. It ain't worth losing our home.
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HEY! i posted those! thanks for copy + pasting, i lost track of them. if you're trying to piss me off so that i'll leave, it won't work. one member on a site with 1,000+ members who dislikes me is nothing new. and technically i said nothing wrong. he inflicted no self harm that we know of. if he wrecked the truck on purpose.... and the other part, his employer/next of kin got notified but luckily he's still alive. as far as the reliant on technology part, i stand behind that 100%. everyone is so afraid to die, but it'll happen eventually to all of us. everyone lives a beautiful life that needs to be embraced even though it may seemingly be cut short. i'm not afraid to die, i've led an amazing life. if it came off in the wrong way, i apologize for that. but it's hard to fully understand context on the internet when all you're reading is some text instead of hearing a voice with different tones.
They came out good. I wanna sand the drivers side down and primer it because the pass. side is actually brighter.
Same things. I like A&A because it has more of a store feel other than advance or auto zone. Feels like I'm in a warehouse
i have to fing time to return my rotors, have a 2 yeah warranty if defective, i have had to have them turned already, after like 10k