ok, im working on my friends 96 ranger 4x4 with the 4.0 ohv. i jus did headgaskets on it and now im having a serious problem with it. ok so i have the whole thing back together and it doesnt want to idle and when it does, it sound like it has a huge cam in it. i cant keep it running long enough to thro a check engine light. there is a whole list of things we have replaced and still cant figure out what the heck is wrong with this thing, so any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks Devin
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Do you have the intake manifold bolts torqued to spec? Have you made sure all vacuum lines are connected and not become cracked? Checked the Idler Air Control valve? You can easily clean that with brake cleaner and let it dry out good before putting it back onto the intake. What all have you replaced trying to fix this problem?
Sounds like a huge vac. Leak. Check the intake and make sure those rubber washers are all seated correctly and like stated above check all lines.
yep sounds like a gasket could have gotten kinked when the engine was put back together.. check and re tork the bolts and if it will stay runing long enough by giving it fuel try spraying some carb cleaner around the intake until you find the leak