How To: Remove and paint door handle bezels - Discussion thread

Discussion in 'How-To Submissions' started by Redneck_ranger, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator





    the first 2 are failed attempts to paint the dash silver and the last 2 or 3 are what it looks like today.... except the door bezels are a lil different.... and here's my stang dome.....

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  3. OP

    Redneck_ranger Banned

    I was just gonna suggest that Klinger should show off his interior too... lol Way to read my mind man!
  4. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    lol gonna change it soon though to color match it to my exterior..... just gotta wait til it gets warmer..... and i gotta get some more supplies.... i.e. clear and reducer....
  5. SalRanger2

    SalRanger2 Ranger Lover

    lol cool is that the same color as my truck? (bright Atlantic blue metallic)
  6. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    actually it's called metallic sapphire blue.... which may be a close match to your truck color.... on mine it's to dark.... it's like 4-5 coats of paint(brushed on) and 3-5 coats clear.....
  7. SalRanger2

    SalRanger2 Ranger Lover

    ok i see, that must have taken a while! nice work!

    yea idk if i want to do blue as much as id thought, probly go back to doing dark silver if i do
  8. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    i actually started out with the radio bezel and the door bezel and the vents ontop of the dash.... then moved onto the dash bezel..... and then expanded on from there.... lol i just couldnt stop.... all in all i have had the truck for about 5 years and keep changing my mind on when to stop.... lol
  9. SalRanger2

    SalRanger2 Ranger Lover

    lol i hear ya on that man, i can never make up my mind!
  10. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    yeah i thought i was almost done with it and now i have decided to color match it to my truck.... lol and then gotta get the headliner redone and the back 3 pieces..... and then i'm done......
  11. SalRanger2

    SalRanger2 Ranger Lover

    ...or so you think lol

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