What can I say about him and my buying from him? He's. Great to buy for, I paypal'd him money and he sent it out the next day and received it within a day later. He's a trustable guy to deal with, I would buy from him again.
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Just buy the steering extension from summit.. Probably like 40 bucks but you're still less then a new kit..
Its a little over 40 and by purchasing that I will be over what a complete right kit would cost me to begin with. So I'm just going to get rid of it.
Yeah...that's why my wanted ad posted I wanted a PA853 Body lift because I knew that was the only complete kit I could use straight from the box. The sales slip from the box listed this kit alot cheaper than what I paid and knew these kits were cheaper than the PA853. The 883 is for some reason cheaper no matter if it is the summit brand like this or the Performance Accessories brand. Oh well my **** luck as usual.
Oh yeah, when you use a Ranger body lift on an Explorer a bolt or so maybe off and require you to run to the hardware store, which is expected. The only thing that mattered to me was getting a kit for the same year range ranger so I would get the correct steering extension shaft. And just to let others know, I'm not blaming Hooligan here for the mistake, I thought by the title of my wanted ad that he knew I wanted the 853 b/l and he simply overlooked it which is easily possible. I'm sure if you buy something like an interior piece or body piece from him you will get the right piece.