have you ever been told this befrore?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Captured Time, Nov 13, 2011.


do you love your tuck more than me

  1. yes::

    16 vote(s)
  2. no::

    2 vote(s)
  1. machine

    machine Banned

    I don't have a g/f so I voted "No"
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  3. lol I just got back together with my girlfriend Saturday, and that's the first thing she told me xD
  4. Superlifted06FX4

    Superlifted06FX4 Last of the V8s

    My ex did that.
  5. nicksranger01

    nicksranger01 New Member

    i just had an ex come crawling back to me, then she asked if i still had my truck (i was driving the Mustang to go out with her cause the truck has only 1 seat) which i do so she told me if i was gonna keep her i wasgonna have to sell the truck and my Mustang, guess what i still have I just got the damn car and my truck is more important then some crazy bitch
  6. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    ^^WOOT WOOT brother

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