Who gets on Rangerforums.net at work?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcrymes99ranger, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. Dcrymes99ranger

    Dcrymes99ranger Riding low and broke!!!

    Just like the tittle says, who gets on Rangerforums at work? I do. When the mannager is gone for the day. Which she doesn't care but I still get work done and take care of customers first before I get on here. But it mellows me out when were slow like right now.
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  3. RoadRanger

    RoadRanger -Skylark65-

    i probibly would if i had access to a computer. i used to surf the forums all the time in high school, i told 'em i was "researching" lol.
  4. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    i go on using my phone. ill check in every hour or so
  5. finn611

    finn611 happiness is a warm gun

    I usually check out whats new on my lunch break on my phone
  6. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    my question to the title and the op is who doesnt.... lol im constantly on at work and at home.... even if i dont post anythign im always checkin in to see whats going on.....
  7. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    Im on at work any chance I get lol
  8. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Not me...It isnt allowed
  9. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    Lies.. I don't believe you at all..
  10. rango88

    rango88 Chuck Norris Drove a Ram

    I am on at work when time permits.
  11. Franchi Motorsports

    Franchi Motorsports Ranger Forum Vendor

    If I don't have anything to do at work, I'll jump on various forums. But if I got stuff to do, nada until it's finished.
  12. 03rangerfx4

    03rangerfx4 Ford Ranger Driver

    yeah I do...spend equal time here and on frf while at work.
  13. OP

    Dcrymes99ranger Riding low and broke!!!

    These forums are my home away from home.
  14. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    rangerforums.net is for the Polaris Ranger lol. This is rangerforum.net. I know because I have to keep reminding myself this...
  15. The Browning Ranger

    The Browning Ranger Doinwhaticanwithwhatigot

    Hard to cut grass and use a laptop at the sametime LOL!

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