I go about 7000 miles, run the extended oil filter from Wix, use valvoline synpower 5w30. I use turkey baster t draw out brake fluid and p/s fluid each time. once a year I drop antifreeze and refill with my 50/50 mixture. check inline filter on p/s return line. once a year I change atf in manual tranny.
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every 3,000 miles engine oil/filter change (which is about every 6 months, its down 1/2 qt by then and the color of the oil is getting fairly dark by that time) every 2 years i change trans & transfercase oil, i use pennzoil sycromesh fluid in the manual trans, mobil 1 sythetic atf in t/c, differentials i changed at 100,000, did rear one again last spring at about 140,000 when i replaced the axleshaft seals. antifreeze- every 4 years, power steering-changed it when i replaced a both lines at around 100K (pressure line rusted and leaked), brake fluid-changed it about 90k when line to rear axle failed and needed replaced. brakes-as needed, seem like front are about every other year, rears ive done once since ive owned the truck. grease front end-twice a year, when changing from winter to summer, or summer to winter tires. front axle service-every 2-3 years i pull apart the front axle, check spindle bearings, u-joints, wheel bearings, just generally make sure things are in good shape & grease bearings, replace wheel seals, put some 80w 90 in manual hubs and that lubes them good. wax body twice a year, usually early spring & late fall. every time i change wheels (twice a year) i adjust rear brakes, my self-adjusters (just dont) thats about it, i do check all fluid levels very regualrly, have to keep a close eye on the front diff during the winter as pinion seal has started to leak.
Air filter I check every oil change, how often it needs to be cleaned varies greatly depending on the conditons outside, dusty months it doesnt take long to clog up with the amount of backroads i travel, but if it rains ofte, it can go for quite a while before needin changed. Oil change, every 5000 KMS aka 3,100 miles. I get mine done at the dealership due to having an aftermarket warranty that requires I do so. But I have no problem supporting my local dealer as they are awesome, and it only comes to about $5 more than doing it myself. Plus, they do a 51 point inspection. as for everything else, I always check things over about once a week since I drive so often.
Mobile 1, oil and filter run for 3-4K change the filter, add oil run for another 3-4K, chg the oil/filter, you get the idea; I try for more towards the 3K side but that doesn’t always happen. If you get the Mobile 1 on sale it runs about $45 for Oil and 2 Motorcraft Filters. Grease every 3-4K, with the oil/filter or the filter change. Check the tires if they look low. I have 60K on this ’03 and the trans and diff lube will be changed shortly. That’s it !
Oil change every 5k miles. I try to do a complete tune up every November. I check the levels every weekend just to see the levels didn't drop significantly over the week.
Assuming that 10w30 is the proper viscosity oil for that year/engine, then yes... that would be a good choice.