It's simple. The 300 inline 6 from Ford has the same bore and stroke as the 429 Cobra jet mustang engine and has about the same compression. That engine dragged my truck down the street the one day and it's bone stock
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Yeah. Throw it into the Ranger. Oh wait... You were talking about putting it into a Dakota, weren't you? Lmfao
well the car hasnt been running in 20 years...every fluid is full in the motor...i wanted to see if the motor cranks because then i could have it running very easy but the guy thats selling it isnt real fond of that if i cant see if the motor is gonna crank i aint gonna buy it
That's bullsh*t. Something's fishy about that sale right there... Pop the hood and see if the fan spins all of the pulleys. If they all spin, then the motor isn't seized. Just ask to see the engine again and try it without telling him it. Or ask for a test drive. Edit: I mean, as long as the engine isn't seized up it shouldn't take much at all to get it running. Add some Stabil to the tank and prime the carb, and fire it over.
well you cant turn those motors by hand because they run so high of compression...i tried to spin it but i im either gonna need a breakerbar and socket or try to see if the starter will do it
That was my second option lol Yeah, a rachet on the fan pulley nut should cause the engine to turn. But I would say get a longer breaker bar for some extra leverage to make it easier. Is the engine clean? Or all dust and dirt and grime covered?
id go with the breaker bar and socket.... the starter could be stuck if it hasnt been started in 20 yrs....
Yeah. Leverage makes everything so much easier lol. Well, I'm off to go get me some Subway. Be back later! DJ, go with the breaker bar and threaten him to see if it cranks. Lmao. Then just say you're going to manually crank it. By the sounds of it, something is wrong with the ignition if he's afraid to let you crank it...