Open chat thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    phew i went out in 30 degree weather in a t shirt basketball shorts and snow boots for ya haha
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  3. lol I didn't ask you to freeze your balls off haha
  4. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    ah it wasnt that bad i just looked like a goof

    and for all yall who are scratching your heads im trying to figure out what that mysterious plug flopping around is lol lights on on dash.
  5. I'm leaning towards plow wiring... Either that or someone had some kind of extra lighting on the front.
  6. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    to me it looks like a foctory plug if you take the tape off its got them rubber slide in jazz from factory and a plastic like tab lock clip..idk what to call it.
  7. Take the tape off when it's light out and get a pic. Probably can get some more chatter about it then when everybody knows what the plug looks like
  8. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    going back brrr
  9. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    i would say something but i would get baned from here perma style lol
  10. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    tisk tisk tisk lol haha!! i gotcha man!
  11. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    is this the tread we are to put all the BS in ooppps my bad
  12. machine

    machine Banned

    late night chat delight
  13. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    you could say that lol
  14. machine

    machine Banned

    my Icon is a Red dot on top of a Blue dot!
  15. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    like a frickin desert on here..
  16. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    you aint got green light lol
  17. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    hes not on GO mode lol or hes.....omg..invisible!!
  18. machine

    machine Banned

    my green light is Now red, because my truck is red. LOL
  19. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    you aint got no light lol
  20. machine

    machine Banned

    I'm speshul
  21. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    no son you is the beaten path..we r online the official greenlighters

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