New here.....transferee from FRF!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by pooleo, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. OP

    pooleo New Member

    I was about to purchase a 5 year membership aswell. But thought I should snag a hoodie while there for sale. I figure I can get a membership any time, but the hoodies are a rarity. GLAD I DID NOT PURCHASE THE 5 YEAR MEMBERSHIP!!!
  2. Ranger Forum Sign Up!

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  3. rango88

    rango88 Chuck Norris Drove a Ram

    I dunno dude I'd stick around both forums lol plenty of Jason to go around as I have found out recently :D
  4. OP

    pooleo New Member

  5. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    well we all know i aint the guy who gets away with things
  6. machine

    machine Banned

    welcome aboard, Jason!
  7. 08 Ranger Sport 4X4

    08 Ranger Sport 4X4 New Member

    Glad you decided to join us! Welcome

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