ok this connection which is right after the cat is leaking. the bolted connection pictured is very rusty and not reusable. the part where the bolt goes through on the pipe toward the cat is rusted out so it wouldnt hold up with a new donut gasket and new bolt. that part is part of the actual pipe. how would you guys go about fixing it and with what type of connection. my guess is id have to completely cut out that part and start with a new connection? would be best if it was something i didnt need to weld but if need be i could. any ideas? thanks
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If it still holds together, you could fill in all around the connection with some jb weld or quick steel. I did a little patch on mine like that & it's still holding up well. If the connection is loose, you might be better off cutting that section out & welding in a sleeve (about the same size pipe cut down the middle) to re-connect.
my exhaust guy when I put the duals on the ranger he just welded the muffler to it. Im sure they make another flange for it, but welding would be the easiest. BTW those things are a bitch to get off it the bolt is rusted on to the cat.
thanks for the replys guys. well what happened was the hanger over the muffler was rusted out and not connected since i bought it and this connector has been holding all the weight of the muffler and not allowing it to turn. finally it loosened up and tilts freely and touched the box. i got it rigged up for now above the muffler so i can drive it for now. anyways, i think ill have to start from scratch with it for sure. now would it be a bad idea to weld it together as a solid piece with a sleeve? so id be able to take the back half off if i need to?
The sleeve idea sounds good but the pipes are different sizes. I think I got a pipe splice that was two different sizes from NAPPA a while back but any good exhaust shop should be able to make one for you. The one I got was short and needed a little more pipe added but if you are welding anyway what’s a little more pipe to weld or if you get it made up get enough pipe. If you just weld one end then you can do the off and on thing if you need to and remember to slot the end you will be taking off. Exhaust system work is a PITA.
ok thank man. yea i hate doing it too but im gonna try to tackle it if i can. what do you guys think about using one of these split flanges? id just grind off the "wings" on the existing one and throw this on with a new gasket?
ok thank man. yea i hate doing it too but im gonna try to tackle it if i can. what do you guys think about using one of these split flanges? id just grind off the "wings" on the existing one and throw this on with a new gasket?
I guess I am confused… but what’s new, if the pipe is rusted out and needs something over it why do you need a new clamp. Are you taking the thing apart so you can fix the pipe ?
what? the pipes not rusted out, this connection is leaking because of the weight of the back half of the exhaust not held be the hanger over the muffler. i need to fix both of these problems. the clamp is so rusty its not reuseable (i cant just re-tighten it). ill try and take a better pic or a video if i can to explain better
Sorry I read it wrong, I guess the rusty stuff threw me off. Ok on the clamp it looks like it should work. What about OEM replacement from A Ford Parts House ? As you said replace the gasket too !
Probably ! That is a nice looking piece. Check the welding around the flange before installing just in case.
Just did a quick scan of 2 Ford Parts Houses and Rock Auto and nothing shows up like that, I did see some full length pipes, some with mufflers.
How did you see this leak? I had my truck up on the lift and water started dripping out from that spot.
yea someone on frf showed me this pic and i think its what ill get. ill probly need one flaired out like the stock one though for the gasket to work. yea i think its because its part of the pipe when its cold you can see it, can hear it all the time now. first noticed the tail pipe touching the bed because the whole back half of the exhaust was free to twist at this point