This How-To install a generic HID/Halo Ring fog lights. The first thing you will notice is that there are no Instructions. This really isn't a problem because there are only 2 connections you need to make. The first thing you need to do is make a bracket to hold the fog light. I made mine from a 8x12 inch galvanized shingle, light but strong, easy to cut and bend. I used the OEM fog light as a template. I made it big enough to cover the opening on the valance and then made 3 tabs for the bolts. The tabs will be bent down and then out like a modified Z with 2 right angles. The other 2 tabs are for attaching the mounting bracket on the fog light to. And then I painted it to match the valance. Also, cut the center opening in the bracket before painting. The opening should be an 1/8 inch smaller than the fog light shroud. I then mounted the fog light to the backet. I then hooked up the inverter and the ballast for a test. Once you get them mounted make sure that they are centered. Now we can wire them up. I try to never cut plugs off, you may want to convert back someday. So I tape a small baggie over the plug and tap the ballast to the wires. The inverter I tapped into the parking light wires. The pic above shows Halos On daylight. Notice the difference between the headlight Halos and the fog light Halo? I will be changing those to CCFL soon. Just Halos on at night.
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