CL: Mud tires

Discussion in 'Ranger Forum Classifieds' started by Achromious, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. If he emails me back I'll bring this up with him. I'd suggest you shooting him an email too so he knows I ain't scamming him. I mentioned that if I do get them, I'd be having you pick them up and shipping them up to me. Hey, why not be honest? lol
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  3. Wait, when in february? Because my truck needs to be inspected by the end of feb and my tires won't pass inspection.
  4. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Haha yeah man a good deal on tires can be a life saver. If you could deal with him and ask him then you can just say I have a buddy who can pick them up and give him my email (I can pm it too you).
  5. Hopefully I hear back...
  6. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Yeah should do its not an old ad or anything. Man it's such a good deal, I'd be all over um if I wasnt broke haha
  7. Yeah. I think one of them new is $250. And then I can offset the cost a little by selling the rims, or letting you keep em and sell em. I really hope my dad gives me the okay for this...
  8. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Still... lol
  9. Yep. Gotta listen to the parents or I can kiss my college education goodbye...
  10. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Joys of life man but they mean well even if it sucks sometimes, I know how it is.
  11. Yeah.... Haha. Uhhhh, I'm just thinking, but I'm probably gonna need to have those tires shipped sooner than February if I do get them... I'd definitely be willing to compensate you for gas and time for sure.
  12. OP

    Achromious New Member

    Aite man well I'm sure if it's moving forward we can work something out. Look into the shipping and the item and. He k with you parents and we'll see where we stand with it.
  13. Will do man. I'll let you know asap
  14. OP

    Achromious New Member

  15. Cool beans beans lol
  16. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!


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