Has anyone figured out if anything needs done to our external regulator and wiring when we do the internally regulated Explorer alts?? I've just never gotten around to fingering it out. lol.
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Then why do I have an extra wire on the alternator plug who's circuit in the electrical manual is "regulator"?? I remember looking into it during my engine swap and both '01 4.0 and '06 4.0 engine and charging/starting system harnesses have the same wire. Believe it's White/Black. I never dug deep enough into the spare harness to see where she went.
Out cleaning my shop today and solved my own question.... It's a jumper... If memory serves me correctly, Explorers are lacking the extra single-wire plug. That's why my question has popped in my head ever since looking into doing the swap. Now I'm seriously about to do the swap as my alternator is starting to lack in idle performance.