Really? This server is way over kill for the amount of traffic on it. It also seems quick on my end. I'll log in and see what the load is.
Is it better for anyone who has been having problems?
OK, we set up new nameservers (again) to try and fix the problem. It can take up to 48 hours to take effect but this should (in theory) fix the...
I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out. I'm having the techs triple check everything now. If they can't figure it out we...
If you are having trouble please try to reboot your computer and reboot (power down and power back up) your cable/dsl modems. Since we changed...
Does anyone here know how to do a traceroute? If so can you try and do one to our site the next time you have an issue? Thanks
We are working on creating a new nameserver this morning. This should be resolved for good very soon. Sorry for the trouble
I'm thankful that it's not effecting many people but I have found the issue and am working to get it resolved. We just need to set up a new DNS...
Hello Guys, Sorry for any technical issues that you may be having. Can you describe the issue a little more? Is the server totally unresponsive...
We appreciate the help Clinton. Thanks!
I just enabled video embedding for YouTube videos. To use it just paste the URL (from the address bar, not the embed code) for any youtube video...
Both domains point to the same place. We had an issue when we first launched this site with Google indexing It seemed to have it...
Thanks, we really worked hard on the logo. I think it will make a cool sticker.
The owners of have created a new forum site for fishing enthusiasts. The site,, is up and running now and...
Awesome truck, welcome!
Welcome to the site Mikey
Welcome to Ranger Forum.
Great to have you here Adam... welcome!
Awesome truck... welcome to the site.
Separate names with a comma.