What is needed to change from manual to power locks and windows ? Where is a good place to get parts ?
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uh... everything. Window tracks, lock actuators, wires, switches, alot. Best thing to find would most likely be to find your exact year truck with power everything
LMC Truck has kits now that can convert manual to power. There's a lot of work that goes into em though.
I just tore a door apart for my half door project....There's so many levers and electronics and motors etc. It took me over 2 hours just to tear the door down.
Yes please stay manual. It's a really nice upgrade but too much of a hasslel. Took the words right outta my mouth!!:thumbup:
I got two doors from a local JY, 02 Ranger I think, that are fully powered. I hope to swap over all of the OEM stuff to my manual doors. There is a thread on another site that wires up the OEM power windows without using the factory dash harness, just the door harness and a little more, it looks a lot easier than trying to put in a Dash Harness. (I am new on this site so I am not familiar with mentioning or linking another site) but if it is OK I will hook it up. I WILL be doing this mod to my truck this spring/summer after the audio upgrade; a lot easier than trying to lean over to the passenger side to wind down a window.
Thanks for the info, take pics of the process and make a how-to if you would please. I know many people want to do this but there aren't many write ups for this type of thing. I know there is one but it went through the factory dash harness.
Here is the procedure I will be following. Thks goes to Cody777 from the Ranger-Forums.com http://www.ranger-forums.com/showthread.php?t=118206 Not sure where this site stands on referencing another Ranger Site but easier than getting permission to use it; definitely saves space on this site.