i have a 1993 ford ranger supercab 4.0 5speed i noticed the clutch slipping in it in every gear you hit the gas and the rpms go up but the speed doesn't so i decided to put a clutch in i can't get the tranny out and i think someone has put a manual transfer case in mine cuz it has the buttons you push but also has the selector in the floor never seen one like it also on my tranny i seen a tag that said reman rockland transmission but with the transfer case hooked at the back of the tranny it's a bear and i need advice for getting it slid back or taken it out pics would be greatly appreciated:blink:
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Yes, someone has put a manual T-case in it. And from the sound of it, you need to do a little more research before you jump into this. Remove the t-case from the tranny, then drop the tranny. Don't be underneath it when you do. Also, disconnect both drivelines. They're both EXTREMELY heavy, so unless you're hulk hogan, it'd be a good idea to have a second person there to spot for you so you don't dump it on the floor.
wow.. holy thread bump... Didn't realize how old this thread was... Used to anything on the front page of a forum being new! haha