If I lived closer, I'd come pick ya up and let you drive my truck. It doesn't like to idle right when it's cold... but that's about it, lol.
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Thanks, but I couldn't use up your gas like that. Now that's it's screaming towards $4 a gallon, I might as well just trade mine in and buy a Cavalier... I just wish my truck could stay running for once. I need pinion bearings in the ass, still need the transfer case that I have no clue where I'm going to pull the money from, and needs a lot still.... I know I shouldn't be talking because you're truck needs a lot too, but I'm obsessive with making it perfect... That's half the reason I'm always pissed off about the truck. If it don't run perfect, it bugs me.
Nah, I ain't too worried about gas. My truck gets pretty decent mileage. I can appreciate the need to burn gas just for the hell of it, keeps me sane too. I also know what you're talking about... I used to freak out if something wasn't perfect. I'd get so irritated that my truck was pretty ugly and not where I wanted it. Then I rolled it. I'm just happy it runs and is normal for the most part. I just work hard to bring money in to fix it, little at a time. Fixing the more important things first.
Yeah, well it seems with me that when one thing breaks, I make plans to fix it and then something more needed pops up. I feel like a complete dickhead because I promised Clinton payment for the transfer case he pulled for me, and I haven't been able to pay him for it yet... Now I need ball joints more and don't know what to do anymore because my parents won't help me out, and I hate breaking a promise, especially when it has to do with paying someone...
Unfortunately, I know how you feel. I need ball joints and tie rods, but then I rolled twice... people keep telling me to just scrap it and buy a new truck. But I just can't do it. :/ Life just sucks and it's hard. Decisions are hard, but I'm sure Clinton is gonna understand. Balls joints are pretty important. Safety is honestly first before anything.
Yeah, well I told him well over a month ago I'd have money for him... Not only does it make me out to be a swindler and a liar, it makes me fee bad at heart knowing I promised something that isn't going to occur when I planned. First my tensioner broke, now it needs both upper balljoints.
Yes, but stuff happens... I still owe my mother well over $300, because she loaned me the money to bail out my truck. All while I'm trying to pay bills and fix my truck. I work part-time at minimum wage. Times get tough. It just happens and the best you can do is do a little bit at a time.
Yeah, I have to run off of $110 every other week now because of school and not working the garden center like I usually do... Not exactly the easiest thing to do.
Great, the fuggin pass side joint is $92 alone... Well, I should just park the truck and leave it until it rusts out or I get money up, whichever is first....
I manage to bring in anywhere from $180-$400 every other week, and the high point is really working my ass off.
Yeah. I'm out looking for a job and for some reason relying on my gf at the moment to talk to her grandpa about working at his garden center.
Well, goodnight everybody! I'm gonna install a couple new speakers I got at the jy in the truck in the AM. Alpine Type S. $4 a speaker, why not? lol Letcha know how it turns out.
04RangerBabe is one, The Beaner 97 is a girl, they're on the most often and the only two that I know of.
I talked to a Rough Country rep, Tuff Country, and Skyjacker and they all told me the same thing... There's no market for it. Bull****!