1. 94lifted4x431s

    94lifted4x431s New Member

    Were do i get a rangerforum sticker? i need one.:thumbup:
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  3. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Thread moved to site comments and suggestions
  4. DiabloBlanco

    DiabloBlanco Those Damn Kids

    dont think we have em yet.
  5. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    let us know when you get them.. i would like some aswell
  6. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    I think we need more people on here before the Admins would make them up.
  7. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    ;)Who said Admins had to?:thumbup:
  8. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    LOL....If I have it done at the print shop I go to, I will get raped for them for sure
  9. lol, wear clothes the next time you go in there, or is that part of the fun :eek:
  10. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

  11. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    I'll get a price from my shop tomorrow....shouldnt be like more than $1 pc if I get around 20 made...what do y'all think? 1 inch high or 1.5 inch high?
  12. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    i'd say 1.5 high.
  13. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    1.5 is good I think. Wanna throw a thread out with a poll?
  14. buggman

    buggman Do not touch the trim!

    I've never been a fan of stickers on my truck, but I'd put one on one of my toolboxes in the garage :thumbsup:
  15. DiabloBlanco

    DiabloBlanco Those Damn Kids

    poll is a good idea
  16. mad hatter

    mad hatter Member

    (starts off as a low rumble,growing in volume)
  17. mad hatter

    mad hatter Member

    (the crowd is worked into a frenzy)
  18. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    i would say hoodies but my better half would just steal it from me... lol

    told the better half what i posted and she said damn straight
  19. mad hatter

    mad hatter Member

    (one member jumps up yelling)
  20. DiabloBlanco

    DiabloBlanco Those Damn Kids

    no hoodies for you.
  21. mad hatter

    mad hatter Member

    :icon_sad::huh::(:icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:makes me sad

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