So I just bought an under drive pulley for my 3.0. My question is do i need a different belt for this or can I use my stock belt?
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When you buy the set from I can't remember the website the set comes with a new gator belt. But I don't see why you couldn't use the stock belt. But since you have it off, check for cracks and replace if needed!!!!
No, the underdrive pulley is smaller and you need a smaller belt, im not sure what size, i know a guy on the other site that knows what belt you may need
put the pulley on, take a piece of string and loop it around all the pulleys in the proper order. then measure how long the string is.
Is there anywhere online that I can buy the belt that was supposed to come with this pulley? I tried their website but it says they don't sell these pulleys anymore
I think those use the same belt . here is an old linkI had saved a while back
For single belt 3.0L Ford "Vulcan" engines; -With air con, Dayco part# 5060870 or a Goodyear & Rubber co. # 406087 (87 inch) Gatorback belt # 4060872 for the 3.0 with a/c. Some trucks like a slightly shorter belt and an 86 inch will work as well. -Without A/C, Try a Dayco (or equivalent) belt # 5060850 (85 inch) The belt should be easy to find because it's a common size. best to measure or contact underdog
Thanks! What worries me is that when I put the new motor in I used the pulley assembly from a 94 which is bigger than a 99 assembly, so would that matter at all?
take your old belt off and measure it , the only two other belts I know of are listed above, ones a couple inches longer