RF.Net **Official**Hoodie and shirt order idea thread.

Discussion in 'Forum Announcements, Suggestions & Comments' started by Dcrymes99ranger, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. Dcrymes99ranger

    Dcrymes99ranger Riding low and broke!!!

    I know the site is just starting to get rolling. But I am interested in some shirts and hoodies. Considering mine got stolen out of my mailbox from that other website... Cough cough.... So anyways I want atleast a shirt, so I can represent or some stickers. I want your imput. I also thought about getting a 2012 calander made too. Disscuss away...
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  3. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Stickers are in the works, the other things may come in time though
  4. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    I'm all outa stickers 'Lint
  5. OP

    Dcrymes99ranger Riding low and broke!!!

    Its getting cold.. And my girlfriend and I both want a RF.net hoodie lol.
  6. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    What??!! :eek:
  7. Lmao. Epic reaction is epic. lol I like the idea, and I love the calendar idea. A differen't member's truck for every day or something maybe?
  8. Achromious

    Achromious New Member

    You could use the previous years trucks of the month, once that got rolling, to make the next years calendar.
  9. Black mamba

    Black mamba The mannnn

    Love this idea.. Hey clint, is there any talk of a totm hear?
  10. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    I'll get some more made...I might have 3 colors instead of 2...like red, white, and black...

    Any other color suggestions?
  11. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    this would be spot on!!!!! :thumbsup:
  12. Achromious

    Achromious New Member

    Aww I would totally have gotten a red one...
  13. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    I would love a hoodie
  14. Can you make em to go across the front windshield? Go camo! Hahaha. If not, red's good lol
    You're still on this man? lol
  15. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

  17. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    Camo's too expensive for me. I'll look into the windshield banners tho.
  18. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    would the baners be like with a black or white back round with the leeters in red,black,white,blue or what ever?
  19. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    No, they would just be the lettering in white or red. Black doesnt show up, I've tried it lol
  20. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    TOTM is in the works....Membership helps too
  21. I like the zip up hoodie too, good idea, new people would see the name and then chk out the site a good promo

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