Transfer case swap questions!

Discussion in 'Drivetrain Tech' started by Redneck_ranger, May 9, 2012.

  1. Okay, so hopefully I'll be getting my dad's coworker to loan me his garage with a lift soon to swap out my transfer case that I finally got from Clinton. I have a couple of questions though before I jump into it. I want to change the fluids out and put in some fresh juice with it for when I put it in. But I don't see a drain plug or anything that seems to be one on there, or a place to add... Where would they be? And about how much can it hold? Next, is there a gasket of some sort that goes between the trans and transfer case? Metal on metal usually has some kind of a gasket I always thought. Any help at all would be much appreciated. And, if anyone feels like taking a trip to Pittston PA, let me know. I know I'll get bored halfway through it. :thumbup:
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  3. rangerwheelinmike

    rangerwheelinmike New Member

    oil whats that? lol i havent ever checked it or changed it so im not sure... there is a gasket fastory on it there hard to find most people just use black rtv to seal it up works fine
  4. OP

    Redneck_ranger Banned

    Would I be able to make my own? I haven't checked with my supplier yet, so I'll do that too. If not, I'll find some kind of sealer. Would Indianhead work too?
  5. rangerwheelinmike

    rangerwheelinmike New Member

    dont mess with any of it just used black rtv
  6. OP

    Redneck_ranger Banned

    Okay, I'll take a look around for it. Thanks Mike
  7. Fx4wannabe01

    Fx4wannabe01 New Member

    Ummmmm...LOLWUT? You aren't looking hard enough.

    Remove the 4 bolts the mount the Tcase dampner to the trans(takes a 13mm). BAM!! Magically the drain plug appears. To the top right of this plug, near the output housing of the Tcase, is the fill plug. They both take a 3/8" square.....perfect for a ratchet and a short extension.

    I like to lather on RTV silicone on the plugs before re-installation. Don't over-torque them... case cracking is far too easy to do by over tightening.

    Pick up 3 quarts. Pretty sure she takes 2.5 qts of ATF.

    There is a paper gasket between the two from the factory. Usually it survives Tcase removal. Sometimes it doesn't. I don't run one.

    Metal to metal requires a gasket? Never done an engine swap have you? I've never mated an engine to a trans with a gasket before....

    Umm no. Built into the trans tailhousing is a drain "squiggle". If you block with drain "squiggle" with RTV/silicone, you have no early warning of a trans mainshaft seal failure or a Tcase input shaft seal failure. Some totally seal the joint with silicone and allow the tailhousing to fill with ATF from the trans or Tcase and keep topping off the trans/tcase. I'd rather know I've got a problem and fix it, rather than to band-aid it with more fluid.

    I suggest no gasket or a factory gasket. NO RTV.
  8. rangerwheelinmike

    rangerwheelinmike New Member

    i have changed many tcases and i have always used rtv never had any problems!
  9. rangerwheelinmike

    rangerwheelinmike New Member

    if you dont have anything on it what would stop water from geting in? lol
  10. OP

    Redneck_ranger Banned

    This will be a problem with me lol I'll see if I can reuse the factory gasket. Thanks for the info guys
  11. Teamexploder

    Teamexploder Explorer Member

    FX4 is correct on the fill and drain plugs. I used regular ATF to fill my t-case when I swapped it in. And I used red RTV on the tail housing when I mated the two together. Hope you have a helper or a transaxle jack to help hold the t-case up.
  12. rangerwheelinmike

    rangerwheelinmike New Member

    dude i aint even gunna lie its easer to lift it up then it is to mess with a trans jack,
  13. pooleo

    pooleo New Member

    ^^x2, T-case is a piece of strawberry cake.
  14. Teamexploder

    Teamexploder Explorer Member

    Could be if you have the option of a lift like he has, but when you're laying on your back in the driveway its a PITA lol. I worked in a garage so I'm use to using a jack when a vehicle is up on a lift :)
  15. OP

    Redneck_ranger Banned

    Yeah, I'm gonna have a lift for the truck and a lift for the tcase. Makes it a lot easier. I'll probably reuse the factory gasket if it's in good shape, if not RTV it all up.
  16. Teamexploder

    Teamexploder Explorer Member

    Goodluck to you, most of the factory gaskets come off in pieces...
  17. OP

    Redneck_ranger Banned

    Earlier in the thread I heard they survive... Well, whatever happens, happens. Just have to wait and see.
  18. Fx4wannabe01

    Fx4wannabe01 New Member

    If the factory designed it as a drain, does that mean the factory is wrong?

    IDK how water is gonna get in...tiny little hole it is. You dunk your rig into water higher than your rockers?

    ^THIS. Every-freaking-time. lol. Just sling the girl in there. The trans is another story.... lol.

    Sometimes they survive...
  19. rangerwheelinmike

    rangerwheelinmike New Member

    factory has a gasket when i swap tcases i just rtv it with no gasket never had a problem and yes my rig has been in watter over the rockers... to the point my feet get wet inside lol

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