so i have an 02 ranger...wantin to lift it abit and been considering the superlift but the price for the kit is more than i can afford....i also see 3" body lifts any downside to the body lifts. help and experiences with either kit would be helpful.....
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theres a big price difference thats why im going with BL. everyone says there great but someone else will chime in with more knowledge
do you want the looks, or to be able to have a better suspension system you can use off road? if you're going for looks only, get a body lift like all the others. if you want to use your truck off road, get a real lift and drop the coin on a super lift. everyone who has one says it's worth the money.
Or just get both lol You go off road with your truck, so I would reccomend the superlift because you're actually going to use it, unlike certain people here......COUGHClintonCOUGH lol My body lift does nothing for me off road, other than being able to fit bigger tires.
Someone remind me what changes when you install a Superlift... It's a drop bracket kit. That's it. It lowers where the lower A-arms mount to the frame, thus creating lift. Stock but taller. Allows for bigger tire. No added strength is gained. If anything, it's weaker only in the sense that if you don't replace the front shaft, it's gonna wipe out your stock one. The Superlift was worth the $400 I paid for mine....but I wouldn't drop the $1800 coin for it. I'd apply that dough on a D60 and some link material. lol. If I didn't get a screamin' deal on it, my truck wouldn't have it. That's just me though. I love mine and it performs great for what I use the truck for now a days. Not saying it's a bad lift, it's a great lift...IMO the BEST lift and most reliable lift ever made for a 98+ 4x4. For you, OP, sounds like a bodylift is your best choice. a: Very affordable. b: can be installed in a weekend with some friends with mechanical abilities and almost basic handtools. c: still be able to afford tires so it looks right. I believe on Performance Accessories website, they have a downloadable instructions. Take a peek at that a few times before taking the plunge and going for it. Does the same thing a Superlift does: allow for larger tires. But at a far less cost. And, well, it's the most popular lift out there for 98+ 4x4's. We don't have many bolt-on options.
I just put a BL on my truck just gotta remount the rear bumper and straighten the front did the cab in about 2-3 hours give or take ripping an earring out and did the bed in like 2. And that was just me and my cousin. The more ppl you have the better it will go and maybe a lil quicker as well.
Do a quick $160 body lift. And maybe later save up and do a suspension lift. That's my plan. Did my body lift back in October. Do some prep work before hand. It will go quicker if u have already broken ur bolts free, I'd they are rusty, can be the hardest part of the lift. I broke all my bolts free a week ahead of time, as well as breaking all the bumper bolts free.
SL i will never go with a BL again to hard on the body, allows more body pitch and roll wears out mounts floor boards if you haul any real weight can push the bed over the BL. if you are going for off road down and dirty hard core play buy a SL kit if looks and alittle off road in the mud just crank it up on the front and drop hangers in the back hanger kit is lie 20 bucks
You sound VERY educated... Considering every single person with a bodylift on THIS application DO NOT report ANY of the issues you're claiming. I'd like to see how a bed gets pushed over the BL blocks...especially since there's 6 or 8 or even 10 depending on year and bed length... Please refer to my earlier posts in this thread in regards to a Suspension lift and what it really is and what it really does. Bye bye now, Mr. NON education on this subject on this application.