Got this today from for $40 shipped ! Mine has a scuff on upper,so thought i'd give them a shot. Haven't mounted,but looks better than i expected.Main difference is that it's one solid piece,compared to 2 piece OEM.The color looks to be the same and grain close also,just hope it fits well.Will post a mounted pic later. Uploaded with Uploaded with Uploaded with
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Yea,i think it looks great for $40 ! Just hope it fits well,tempted to get gutter guard screen for the open area like i did on the grill and other opening.Only not sure it would be seen.
Mounted tonight,VERY impressed with fit and finish ! Looks as good or better than the OEM one .Hard to believe at only $40 including the shipping ! Will post a pic this weekend after i give the truck a bath.
Thanks,yea i think it looks just as good . May get rid of the Flowmaster tomorrow,has something loose inside and praying it's not a piece of converter !