
Discussion in '1998 - 2011 Ford Ranger' started by jhnzeigler, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. jhnzeigler

    jhnzeigler New Member

    Ok, Im going to knock out two questions in one post...hope that is ok.
    First question is:
    I have a 2005 4x4 4.0L Automatic. When the truck is in cruise control and at a steady speed there is a strange noise. It sounds almost like crackling or russeling paper coming from the engine bay. The truck drives fine and I have never had a problem (other then the one that will be covered in the next question). Now the mystery comes into play... My dad has a 2005 4x2 5-speed 3.0L that makes the same noise...I also had a 2002 4x4 5-speed 3.0L that made the same noise.Im thinking it is normal..but Im curious about what causes it...

    second question...
    My Inertia switch went out on me which is a common problem i have heard. But what is the best fix for it. I dont want to buy the harness and solder it in and stick the kill switch back on if it is just going to happen again. can I just connect the two wires together to get rid of the kill switch? or do I have to put the thing back in? Has anyone else fixed this probelm? is there a recall?

    Thank you for the help

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