2 12" kenwoods on 900rms, ported box, 4 kicker 6x8's and a kenwood headunit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBriWI-1-XU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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I was waitin to see the back glass break lol Ok, how does all that reverb sound when inside the truck, cause that **** gives me a headache lol
Sounds like **** lol, bass boost is set to 0 and the bass is normally around +1. In the video bass boost is set to 0 and bass is at +6. If your in the truck when its turned up and set like in the video all you feel is pressure and vibrations, then your vision starts to go blurry.
I love a heavy bass kick. My little bazooka tube is plenty for me. It takes up barely any space but bumps real nice
woahh lol thats some bass! ive always wanted to listen to my metal with subs once, idk if it would sound so good tho haha
I keep mine turned down a bit for everyday driving and i listen to everything music wise. I think having subs makes everything sound better, they give you the nice bass drum when listening to rock all the way to the intense double bass pedals in death metal. They just give you the live concert feel.