i have this problem where if im driving say over 50 mph and you let off the gas or push the clutch in (decel in any way) theres a grinding sound coming from the back of the truck. my pinion angle looks fine(ill go take a pic of it) even after my 2/3 drop. with the 2/3 you arent supposed to need to shim for pinion angle. any thoughts?? thanks!
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well i tried to check the diff. fluid level, but since everything is nice and ****ing rusty the fill plug wont come out :furious:. i sprayed it with pb blaster so HOPEFULLY that will work. maybe i can heat the plug idk.
the u joints dont really have any play. could changing the diff fluid help? pinion bearing sounds like a beotch or how hard is it?
I'd drop the diff cover and change it, yea. FYI, you need 3 qts of gear oil for a 8.8 with stock cover, slightly less for your 7.5. Pinion bearings require the whole axle to be dissasembled. You'd be better off grabbing another axle from a JY. It would be cheaper in the long run if the bearing's bad like I think it might be.
ok thanks good to know. fuuuuuccckkkk really errr, just bugs me since i just lowered it and now this happens but maybe i never noticed it. my rear brakes are not adjusted right so they dont tighten up, that wouldnt be it would it?
I just thought of something else. Your driveshaft might be hitting your gas tank skid plate when you downshift and it flexes up. Look under the truck and see if there's markings on the driveshaft.
you sure did lol. err well i mean idk, guess ill change the fluid and fix the brakes and see how it goes.
Yea, best thing to do it tear into it. Hell I have to change out my steering box tomorrow. It's been leaking a qt of fluid per week for months now lol.
lol yea very true, theres just always something to work on. just that the rust stops me, i couldnt even budge the fill plug :furious:. can i heat that up? ive sprayed it too. the actual diff cover will be a beotch too thats rusty as hell haha
this guy makes it look easy [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3bvHd12unI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3bvHd12unI[/ame] i spose if i got a parts diff, did the bearings on it, and put all that in housing i have now and get someone to set the ring and pinion that would work right?
well i had my dad drive it and he's thinking its the rear end. he was looking it over and showed me you can grab the rear tire and if you push in and out its like theres slack and it clunks. what could that be, like the shims on the inside where the actuall diff connects to the axles?